Sensible Stylista: fitness
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

August Updates + Playlist

Alright guys, it's time for my monthly fitness update.  I'm proud to tell y'all that progress has been good.  I've been doing insanity workouts, extra cardio sessions, on top of my daily two-mile walk with my pup.  I can see a big difference in my bod so my hard work's definitely paying off.  I dread working out on most days, but after the pain, I seriously feel like I can take anything on.  This is going to sound really cheesy, but exercising makes me feel like I'm on top the world. It helps with self-discipline and grit so it's a useful keystone habit to develop.

Confession:  I haven't been following my Insanity calendar.  I've completed it in the past though so I don't feel bad jumping around.  I've been focusing on three modules as of late:  Plyometric Cardio Circuit, Cardio Power & Resistance, and Pure Cardio.  I've done one a day for the past 3 weeks...yet I'm still dead at the end of every one. I'm planning on moving onto harder workouts (aka the max series) in mid-late September.  I need to make sure I'm prepared for the destruction.  As for extra cardio, I elliptical it for 45 min. 2-3 times a week to help with stamina.  

As for my diet, I've been good overall, but I need to work on incorporating more veggies + fruits into my diet. I've been eating quinoa/brown rice and turkey patties for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the last, like, 2-3 weeks. Things are really busy right now so I like to microwave food and scarf everything down quickly.  I've gone out to eat nomtastic food once a week though to maintain my sanity.  In my opinion, weekly splurge meals are a serious MUST!  Do any of you indulge? If so, do you indulge in a splurge day or a splurge meal?

Oh, and I almost forgot to give you my August playlist!  Here's what I'm currently listening to on my pod-pod. I'm always looking for new tunes to sweat to so make sure you comment with your current fave songs, too.

Are These Popular Exercise DVDs Worth the Hype?

It's time for another fitness post, y'all!  For today's blast, I'll be reviewing the pros and cons of 4 popular workout DVDs on SS. I don't know about you guys, but I really enjoy working out at home. I try new programs and apps all the time because I'm constantly looking for ways to stay engaged. This is the first of many posts to come to keep your eyes peeled to stay in the know!  Now, without further ado, let's get to it!  First off is...
1.  Insanity - I'm a HUGE fan of this 60-day program.  Created by the one and only Shaun T, this DVD set will seriously kick your butt!  It consists of 9 max interval -  think HIIT (high intensity interval training) on crack - modules, an exercise calendar + a diet plan.

- Shaun T's super likable.  He keeps you motivated, while sweating up a storm WITH you.
- You'll seriously transform your body by the end of the program - you actually start seeing results as early as week 2.  At the end of it all, you'll have decreased body fat + serious muscle definition, BUT it doesn't come easy.
- Insanity helps you increase both endurance + fitness levels.
- It saves you mad time! It's only 45 minutes long so you're being efficient as hell with your workout. It's like the equivalent of 5-6 hours at the gym!
- It requires zero equipment so you can do this on the go - just make sure you have ample space.

- You have to be somewhat in shape to participate.  Know your fitness fundamentals (push-ups, situps, etc.), and make sure you can at least jog a mile.
- If you have weak joints or knees, this may not be the right program for you!  Double check with your MD to prevent injury.
- Insanity's, well, insane.  The sheer difficulty of it all is a total pro for me, but it's totally ok if you find it all too intense!  Try a sesh out with a friend first before purchasing it.

CONCLUSION:  If you're looking to get your @$$ in shape, cop this stat by clicking here.  Yes, you're going to hurt, and yes, you're going to sweat like pig, but it'll all be worth it in the end if you stick with it.  Insanity's NOT for the weak-willed so if you don't have the self-discipline to keep going, try a less expensive series so you don't waste moolah.  This program's all about cardio so if you're hardcore, you may need to supplement with weights on the side. 
2.  Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 - I bought this DVD after watching The Biggest Loser on Netflix because I found the show super inspiring, and I loved watching Jillian in action - she was definitely my fave trainer on there!  As I'm sure y'all know, she's released several DVDs since then, but I've only tried this and her 30 Day Shred.  I won't be reviewing the latter today, but if you want me to, simply leave me a comment below.

Her program's geared towards intermediate exercisers, and it consists of four workouts that get progressively more difficult each week.  You're supposed to do 'em 5-6 times a week, ideally taking 1-2 days off for rest.  Her DVD's all about the 3-2-1 - 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute ab work.  Each module has a warm-up + cool-down and lasts for 35 minutes.  Circuits are repeated twice (30 seconds for each exercise), and you'll need hand weights and a yoga mat for your sesh.

- These workouts are short so you have no excuse whatsoever NOT to squeeze in exercise.
- Her sessions are actually quite effective!  They're not as intense as T25 or Insanity, but they still get the job done.
- This DVD's totally affordable.  It's available online at Amazon for $9.99 HERE!  A total bargain for a 4-week program + diet plan.
- Jillian provides modifications for most of her exercises so you can work up to the more "advanced" moves.

- Some find Jillian's in-your-face attitude a bit much.  I personally like her macho-ness, but you may not.
- This isn't really a con, but the DVD seems to be geared more towards women because it's all about toning.  If you're looking to workout with a guy, he may not enjoy it as much as you do - just speaking from personal experience, ha.

CONCLUSION:  Perfect for those of you looking for an intermediate full-body workout!  You'll get your sweat on and have fun at the same time - think of it as an at-home bootcamp with Jillian Michaels.  Personally, I enjoy doing her workouts in the early morn + supplementing with harder ones in the afternoon/evening (when I have the time).
3.  Fluidity - Created by Michelle Austin, Fluidity will help you get a lean, dancer-like bod.  The program consists of 3 dvds + a bar.  If you have issues with joint pain, you'll most likely love this set because it's super low impact.  

- The exercises are actually quite easy - I breezed through the beginner & intermediate videos - but they work your muscles.  I know this because I felt pretty sore afterwards!  
- It appeals to women of all ages!  
- The bar stores easily - simply fold it up and "hide" it wherever you please.

- You need to memorize the moves because it's difficult to watch Michelle & work the bar at the same time.
- It's pricey!  
- The bar's a bit wobbly so you should place it on a non-slip yoga mat or something of the like.

CONCLUSION:  Ideal for those of you who don't like doing cardio and prefer low-impact exercises. You'll feel super relaxed afterwards because Michelle oozes calm!  Click here to purchase this set...
4.  T25 - Yet another gem from Shaun T! I absolutely LOVE this series, perhaps even more than Insanity.  T25 gets the job done, but Insanity's more effective from my personal experience.  Like the aforementioned exercise program, T25 has a strict calendar.  Each sesh lasts, you guessed it, 25 minutes, and you'll sweat up a storm every time!  This ten-week program is broken down into two parts lasting 5 weeks each.

- T25's super efficient since it's only 25 minutes long - doesn't include the 2-3 minute cool down at the end.
- Includes 11 nonstop workouts.
- There are modifications for most moves!  Just keep your eye on Tania.
- The five-day exercise schedule.  Shaun T recommends doing two modules on Fridays, but if you'd rather do the second one on Saturday, that works too.  There's also an optional "stretch" sesh for Sundays!
- There's a money back guarantee!  You can request a refund within 30 days if you're displeased, but I highly doubt you'll want to return it.

- Like Insanity, this series is intense!  If you're a beginner, you're probably going to want to start with something a little less strenuous.
- Although there are modifications, the moves are still pretty difficult.
- You'll need some equipment!  Luckily, none of it is very expensive.  You can get a pair of hand weights + a yoga mat on the cheap at TJ Maxx or Marshalls.
- No breaks so you're gonna have to go hard for 25 minutes!

CONCLUSION:  Perfect for busy individuals who are looking to save time + get/stay in shape.  T25 also works as a nice intro to Insanity...and by "nice," I mean hard-as-hell-but-less-cray-than-insanity.

So that's it for today everyone!  Have any of y'all tried these DVDs? Are their any workouts you'd like me to try + review? How are you guys currently staying in shape?

July Fitness Update + Workout Playlist

I know I haven't been very good about sharing my workout playlists with y'all, but I promise to stay on top of it from here on out.  Lately, I've been doing a lot of different things to get my bod in tip-top shape.  I have big things coming up so I have to make sure I bring my A game all day, every day. 

Anywho, for starters, I've completely eliminated sweets.  I'm eating so clean, it's ridiculous!  I really love it though. I feel so much healthier, and although I do miss eating unhealthy stuffs from time to time, I'm ok.  I mean, it's MY choice after all.  I choose not to eat unhealthily, and that makes all the difference in the world.  You know what they say - you make abs in the kitchen, not the gym. Moving on to my workout regimen, I run 2-3 miles 3x a week and do a Freeletics workout daily to build strength.  Have you guys tried any of their apps? I'm a big fan of Freeletics bodyweight.
What I'm currently listening to on my pod-pod...
What are you guys doing to get or stay in shape? Make sure you leave me a comment below to update me!  Let's motivate each other and get in the best shape of our lives!

8 Ways to Maintain Your Health When You're Busy as Hell

I don't know about you guys, but pretty much everyone I talk to nowadays is busy as hell, myself included!  It'd probably be really good for my health to head on over to the beach and take a few weeks off to bask in the sun, but unfortunately that's not really an option, at least not for me and, I assume, the 99%.  Not all of us can make money by simply existing like Kim Kardashian - damn her and her perfectly shaped badonkadonk.  

Now, hustling's great, and I love that we're all working so hard to "make it," but y'all need to think long term. That means, taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.  I compiled this list for busy individuals like myself looking to enhance the quality of their lives.  A few small changes make all the difference in the world!  You don't need to work out hours on end and eat salad for the rest of your life to stay in shape.  Keep reading for quick, easy and painless ways to upgrade your life.
1.  Eat breakfast.  I mean, the word literally tells you to break [the] fast.  Don't skip this meal even if you're in a rush because it's critical for your well-being.  It improves your focus tenfold and sets a healthy tone for the day by reducing hunger throughout, which in turn helps with weight management.
I personally enjoy eating hearty breakfasts - think oatmeal loaded with dried fruits, omelettes stuffed with colorful veggies and yogurt parfaits - but if I'm late, I grab a 1915 Bolthouse Farms™protein shake before running out - you can follow them on IG here for inspo.  I really like drinking them as meal replacements because they're filling and delicious. My favorite flavor's chocolate, but vanilla and coffee taste nomtastic, too. They're made with pea protein and almond + soy milk (you're welcome my vegan friends) and each drink contains 12 grams of protein consisting of non-GMO and gluten-free ingredients.
2.  Prep your meals.  If you want to save time and eat healthily, you need to cook food in advance. Meal prep means different things for different people so get your experiment on to figure out what works best for you. Many plan their entire day (including snacks), but I like to focus on the "big" meals (aka breakfast, lunch & dinner).  

Don't waste precious time standing in front of your fridge figuring out what you're going to make. Have everything ready to go so you're not tempted to make unhealthy choices!  As a plus (as if you need one), you'll save moolah because you're not running out to grab last-minute ingredients at the store every couple of days.

3.  Squeeze in quick workouts at least 2-3x a week.  It's so important to stay active, but not everyone has time to go to the gym.  If you happen to fall in that category, I recommend purchasing Shaun T's workout regimen T25. Words can't express how much I love this series!  You get a good mix of cardio and strength training, and you don't need any heavy duty equipment, just resistance bands or a set of free weights.  

If you're constantly pressed for time, this is the workout for you because, well, 25 minutes is all you need to get in shape.  Get the deluxe set here for $145.60!  Yes, it's on the pricier side, but it's far less expensive than enrolling at a gym, and you get the same results (if not better) in the comfort of your own home.  He includes a plan for optimal results, but I don't really follow it anymore to be honest.  I have favorite modules so I do those to get my sweat on.  Now, if you're strapped for cash, no worries! Pinterest's a freakin' goldmine.  There are thousands of different workout regimens available for your browsing pleasure! Click here to check out my workout board.

4.  Sneak in extra bits of physical activity whenever possible.  Here are a few ideas to get y'all started: do push-ups while waiting for your dinner to cook, take the stairs instead of hopping on the elevator at work, park your car further back, do jumping jacks during commercial breaks, crank out some calf raises while waiting for the bus, and so on and so forth!  You guys get the idea.  
5.  Make smart choices when eating out.  Let's be real, if you're a hustler, it's not always going to be possible to eat at home.  Maybe you have a lunch meeting with a client or a dinner party to attend. Regardless, it's up to YOU to make healthy choices for yourself - eat for the body you want, not the body you have.  Always ask for sauce/dressing on the side and go for baked, broiled or steamed items if possible.  Most restaurants have "lean" menus (or sections) with healthier options so keep an eye out and hold yourself accountable.

6.  Stay hydrated.  If you're thirsty, that means your body's already dehydrated aka your focus is deteriorating and you're fatigued.  Use a reusable water bottle to save moolah - store bought bottles will do serious damage to your wallet over time.  If you're not a fan of the taste, infuse it with your favorite fruit to make it more appealing. If you have trouble remembering to drink it, try creating a schedule for yourself, ie. a glass when you wake, before breakfast/lunch/dinner, and before bed.  This will help you fight the aging process, prevent weight gain, and flush out unwanted toxins.
7.  Carry healthy snacks with you.  Avoid vending machines like the plague unless you have the self-control necessary to make solid choices.  Regardless, purchasing a giant tub of raw and unsalted almonds at Costco for $10 beats buying a tiny pack for $2.  Bag snacks while prepping meals to save time! Other delicious options include:  unsweetened dried fruits, 1915 protein shakes, raw veggies + hummus, cottage cheese, and roasted chickpeas.

8.  Stretch your body regularly throughout the day.  Get up and move around for at least 5 minutes every hour or so!  Sitting on your butt from 9-5 straight will seriously mess up your health. In fact, ABC News states that, "when you're sitting, the big muscles in the lower part of the body, are completely unloaded.  They're not doing their job, and that inactivity prompts changes in the body's metabolism producing a number of biological signals which are linked to cancer."  Now, on top of that, if you're staring at a computer screen all day, you risk f*cking up your eyes and wrists as well. Take all that into account and fight it by forming healthy habits to combat whatever issue you may experience.

That's it, folks! I hope y'all found this article helpful.  I'm almost done for today, but before I leave you, I have one final perk to offer you guys.  1915 Bolthouse Farms has generously agreed to giveaway a box of their organic beverages.  If you're interested in entering, make sure you do so via rafflecopter below before June 14th.  You must be a US resident, age 18+ to enter.  Good luck, everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

How a Pair of Sunnies Can Save Your Sight

Alright guys, today's post is all about eye health so make sure you take the time to read through this post carefully.  I'm no medical doctor, but I've (very sadly) experienced enough eye problems to last me a lifetime.  I've read up quite a bit on the topic so I'm gonna drop some knowledge on y' an entertaining manner, of course!  So without further ado, let's get to it!
Why should you wear 'em? 

Other than the fact that they're super stylish, they shield your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays - extended exposure can cause cataracts (blurs vision), macular degeneration (straight up destroys vision) and pterygium (causes astigmatism).  Yeah, all that sounds scary as hell, but the sun's not the only danger out there.  Did you know that you could burn your cornea from spending too much time in the snow?  It reflects 80% of the sun's UV rays, hitting your peepers with a ridonkulous glare, which in turn causes a condition called snow blindness.  Moral of the story: wear shades when you go skiing or mountain climbing. 

So, we've covered sun and snow, which mean it's time to address sand, dust and all that jazz. The former can actually scratch you and cause permanent damage.  I mean, I can't even deal with having an eyelash in my contact lens.  I can't imagine how much it'd suck to have sand in my eyeball.  Yeah, no thanks! I'll definitely pass on that one.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that you'll get fewer headaches if you wear shades on the daily.  I get awful migraines all the time and most of them occur after long drives - bright sunlight does not mesh well with me.  Now, if you're lucky and you don't get 'em very often, you'll still benefit - sunglasses will help reduce eyestrain so you'll enjoy your time outdoors much more.
What kind of sunnies should you get?

Obviously, you should cop designs that look BAMF on your face, but you also need to make sure that they block out 99-100% of UVA and UVB radiation to protect your eyeballs fully.  If you spend a lot of time in the sun, go for polarized sunnies to reduce glare, and if you're super sensitive, throw on wrap-around sunnies to block out light from the side Lady Gaga style!  You want your sunnies to screen out 75-90% of visible light.  Note: the color and darkness have absolutely nothing to do with your shades and their ability to block rays. 
Where should you buy 'em?

I'm currently loving AC Lens because they carry all things eye related: sunnies, contacts, glasses, drops, and so on and so forth.  They have a huge selection so I can pretty much guarantee you'll find something you love without leaving the comfort of your home.  Simply pick your frames, email your prescription or provide your doc's digits, and let AC do the rest. They'll even check in with your MD to make sure everything's in line to save you time, and most importantly - since I'm sensible and all, ha - they help you save mad $$$ because their site is 50-75% less expensive than most.

Links to the sunnies worn above:  Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of AC Lens. The opinions and text are all mine.


My Workout Essentials

It's time for another fitness update!  I know it's been a while, but I wanted to share my must-haves with you guys today on Sensible Stylista.  Staying in shape has never been harder - with school, work, blogging and whatnot, it's been tough keeping a steady exercise regimen.  I always used to rail on people who used "I don't have time" as an excuse, but I'm kinda starting to feel sympathetic!  I haven't been able to work out daily, but I try to squeeze it in at least 2-3 times a week.  I know that's weak, but I just gotta power through this month!  Plus, better some than none, right?  Things will be much easier once I finish teaching + my residency at Strathmore - I'll make sure to go extra hard this summer to compensate!
1.  TKO Running Belt ($9.99) - Founded by Garry Kurtz, TKO was first a boxing company, but has since evolved into a health and fitness equipment, accessory and apparel lifestyle-brand.  Kurtz is committed to building a brand comprised of high quality, innovative products that are accessibly priced.  Presently, they sells boxing gloves, punching towers, cross fit gear, yoga mats, and more! Convenience and practicality go hand in hand with a successful work out.  Therefore, this running belt is essential for many hands-free activities.  This item's water-resistant and has two expandable pockets that accommodate a mobile device, keys, wallets, and other essentials while remaining sleek in appearance.

2.  Polar A300 Fitness Tracker ($125.97) - Counting calories is a must IMO - I'm a huge fan of food journaling because I believe 80% of your bod is made in the kitchen.  This fitness tracker helps me keep everything organized.  I'm strict about how much I burn vs. how much I eat so it's crucial for me to track my stats.  I bought this watch years ago, and I still use it religiously every time I get my sweat on!  I also like to keep an eye on my heart rate to make sure I'm making the most of every sesh. Personally, I'm a big fan of HIIT because it's the efficient - it gives you an all-day metabolic boost, while burning the most possible fat in the shortest amount of time.

3.  Great Gear Infuser Bottle ($10.97) - This water bottle is everything.  If you're a fan of flavored water, this item's a must-have.  Do yourself a favor and invest in this infuser to save a buttload of money!  Why pay a ridonkulous amount of dough on drinks when you can create your own delish concoctions at home? I personally love filling this baby up with raspberries, lemons, and, not all at the same time, of course.  Also, the spout's totally leak proof - it has a locking lid - so you don't have to worry about getting water all over yourself when you're exercising.

4.  T25 by Shaun T - After completing Insanity, I knew I had to try this series out.  Words can't express how much I love this set - with T25, 25 minutes is all you need to get into tip-top shape.  It contains three phases total:  alpha, beta, and gamma (15 different modules).  You get a good mix of cardio + strength training, and you don't need any heavy duty equipment, just resistance bands and/or a set of free weights!  If you're constantly pressed for time, this is the workout for you. Seriously.  I know it's pricy, but it's worth every penny.  You're welcome in advance. 


April Workout Playlist

I haven't shared a fitness post in forever, but I promise to be much more on top of it from here on out... or maybe after June because things are kind of insane until then, ha.  I'll share my fave tunes with y'all every month though - I'm confident my picks will keep you motivated during your sweat sesh.  Here's what's been playing on my pod-pod as of late!

How-to stay focused and increase your productivity

1.  Compose a detailed to-do list.  Jot down everything you need to accomplish, but make sure you're being realistic.  If it's a Monday, include weekly goals as well.  Star the most pressing tasks and assign them accordingly.  I'm most alert from 7-12 AM and 4-10 PM so I practice piano and study then.  I fade around 2 and am lethargic until 4 so I work on "easier" things - while sipping on tea, of course - to make the most of my time.  Obviously, everyone's different so it's important to keep track of your mental state throughout the day.  Rate your focus on a scale of 1-5 for every hour to figure out when you're most productive - do this diligently for a week, and you'll be good to go.

2.  Form keystone habits.  They, in essence, create positive ripple effects, which lead to the development of other good habits.  For example, exercising daily keeps you focused, motivates you to eat clean, helps with stress management, and does wonders for your self-esteem.  Other personal favorites include waking up early, organizing/cleaning, reading, and meditating. If you'd like to learn more, make sure you pick up Charles Duhigg's book, "The Power of Habit."  It's seriously one of the most helpful books I've ever read.

3.  Time your breaks.  It's far too easy to lose track and get sucked into the black hole that is netflix or youtube.  A three-minute video or 30-minute show can easily turn into a 4-hour binge sesh.  Do yourself a favor and set an alarm.  Also, while we're on the topic of breaks, let's talk a bit about what you should do to rest your mind.  As much as I love trash TV, I've discovered that indulging during the day does a number on my brain - it makes me feel lazy and unmotivated.  I do, however, reward myself with an episode of my favorite show at the end of the day - if I finish everything, of course. Otherwise, I prefer to take a brisk walk outside with my puppy or catch up with a friend to stay alert.
4.  Put your phone away.  This is kind of a no-brainer, but when you're working, lock your cell up.  I like to put my phone in another room because if it's near me, I will look at it every 2 minutes.  To achieve max focus, only check it during breaks. Personally, until I hear my alarm ding, I won't go near my droid - no exceptions!  

5.  Set aside times to check your e-mail.  This goes hand in hand with number 4, but it's worth mentioning anyways! Checking your inbox constantly will seriously interrupt the flow of your concentration.  Designate times to check your email so you can focus 200% on your current task.

6.  Create an inspiration board.  It'll help you stay on course when you feel [insert negative emotion here]. Collage pictures, quotes and the like, and display it in your workplace! It's important to keep things in perspective because ultimately, it's all about long game.  Tiny "failures" should not phase you.  In fact, you should embrace them because they make you that much better. Incredible things happen when you leap - and by "incredible" I mean both "incredibly amazing" and "so incredibly sh*tty." If it's the latter, stay positive - your attitude determines the quality of your life.
7.  Don't dwell.  You have to draw the line and stop at some point or else you'll end up wasting the entire day on a single task! Now, if you're a perfectionist like I am, it's going to be tough, but you have to move on.  Taking a break will probably help you in the long run anyway because you'll have a fresh, new perspective when you re-visit whatever it is you were doing.  If need be, use an alarm to keep you on track.

8.  Don't work on a couch.  Trust me, you'll be much more productive at a desk.   I don't have any scientific info to back this up, but I'm guessing it has something to do with posture.  Sofas are great and all, but they're just too comfortable.  Do yourself a solid and create a nice workspace free of distractions, and while you're at it, sit up straight. Your back will thank you later on in life!

9.  Make an effort to socialize at least once a week. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!   This will help you preserve your sanity and prevent you from getting brain fog.  It's kind of like eating clean.  It's much easier to do so when you know you have a splurge meal to look forward to.  Plus, you'll be much more efficient after you recharge.  
10.  Get enough rest.  A sleep-deprived human is an unproductive human - an hour of focused work trumps 10 hours of mindless repetition so make sure you get your beauty rest.  I've done the whole "sleep for 3 hours a night" spiel, and it seriously sucks.  You're not doing yourself a favor by skimping on z's.  If anything, you're shooting yourself in the foot.  Go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early to get a head start on your work.  Remember, the early bird gets the worm!

I hope you guys found this post helpful!  Do you have any tips to share? 

Yoplait x Sensible Stylista: How I 1-up My Cup

Alright guys, it's time for real talk.  I put quite a bit of weight on this year, and it's really cramping my style.  I look fine in photos because I know how to flatter my figure with fashion, but it's no secret that I rely heavily on visual illusions.  That's fine and all, but it's time for me to get my butt into gear because I want change.  Actually, scratch that!  I need change.  I'm sick of feeling lethargic.  Sick of feeling insecure.  Sick of wishing I could do this or do that.  No more excuses.  I may look lean, but in reality, I'm skinny-fat. 

I've been taking steps to up my fitness & health game for the past month now.  I've been working out daily and eating super clean to be the best version of me.  I used to skip breakfast, but now I make sure to eat something even if I need to rush out the door.  My favorite breakfast food is Yoplait yogurt. I've been a fan ever since I was a little kid so it's safe to say that not much has changed!  I always make sure to grab one to-go!  My current fave flavors are mixed berry, boston cream pie, and chocolate mousse (from the whips! line).
When I'm late, I obviously just grab a yogurt and sprint out the door, but when I have time, I totally spoil myself.  What can I say? I like to enjoy all facets of life, which means I'm all about Yoplait's "1-Up Your Cup."  I'm going to show you guys how I step up my yogurt game today on Sensible Stylista.  Brace yourselves because you're about to be blown away by my delightful pairings.  In fact, I'm just going to go ahead and say, "you're welcome in advance."

...Ha, I promise I'm not actually full of myself!  I'm just having some fun!  My yogurt bowls are good though so keep reading! First up, mixed berry yogurt with low-fat granola, sliced almonds, and fresh raspberries in an adorable cup, of course.  Mmm, mmm, mmmm.  So much deliciousness. Oh, and presentation's always important.  I like to eat pretty food!  It enhances the overall experience in my opinion.
Moving on to bowl number 2:  boston cream pie yogurt with blackberries, sliced bananas, a pinch of granola for texture, and a single raspberry for color.  Confession: I actually hate fruit but I do it because I want to stay alive.  I once went 3 months without eating a single piece of fruit, and I'm genuinely surprised that I didn't get scurvy.  That's all in the past though.  Like I said, this post is all about new beginnings.  Healthy Kim will eat several servings of fresh fruits and veggies daily! Thank god I have my yoplait.  It makes everything so much more enjoyable.
Last but not least, let's take a look at combo 3:  chocolate mousse with sliced almonds and dark chocolate chips.  I make myself a bowl of this magical goodness every time I want to splurge.  It's a guilt-free treat that seriously satisfies.  With solid meals like these, I know I'll shed my extra weight in no time.  Paired with HIIT, I'll be flaunting my bod in no time!  I'm aiming to get mad in shape by Spring break.  I'm pretty confident I can reach my goal by then though because "dieting" hasn't been difficult at all. So, what do you guys think of my pairings - do you like the way I 1-up my cup?
If you're a Yoplait lover, comment below with your fave flavor combo so I can try it out STAT!  If you haven't tried Yoplait, stop what you're going, get in your car and drive to Walmart or have someone drive you.  Walk to the yogurt section and have a ball!  They have 125+ flavors so I can pretty guarantee that you'll find something you love.  PS.  If you're not feeling my bowl combos, no worries, Yoplait has an entire Pinterest board with recipes for your browsing pleasure.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills. The opinions and text are all mine.

August Fitness Update

Sorry guys, I haven't done a fitness update in forever because things have been really crazy.  Honestly, I'm a little overwhelmed.  I have SO much coming up this fall - I'm trying to prep for it all, but it's driving me a bit cray.  I've been working 16-17 hour days - practicing piano a sh*t ton, studying for comp exams, blogging, and so on and so forth.  There's so much I want to do, but obviously, there are only so many hours in a day.  

I was actually doing well on the whole workout front until I got really sick last week.  For those of you keeping up with my snapchats (my username's @sensiblestylist BTW) and tweets, you know I've been really into t25 as of late.  I finished week 2 but then had serious issues with my stomach so I had to take time off.  I had to go get an endoscopy and everything because I kept getting awful stomachaches and felt this weird lump in my throat.  Luckily,  it wasn't anything too serious.  However, I did have to make major changes to my diet.  No more coffee, alcohol, milk or spicy foods.  Ugh.  I used to live on coffee (5-7 cups a day), and I loved eating burn-a-hole-in-my-stomach-hot foods *le sigh* health comes first!  It's better than feeling like garbage so I'll suck it up and find healthier dishes I enjoy.  I know, I know.  I'm forever the optimist!

Anywho, since I had to take a week off, I decided to start the whole series over again.  I'm such a huge fan of Shaun T.  His workouts are always fun and effective.  I did Ab Intervals today, and I literally cried, ha.  If you're unfamiliar with the program, it's 15 weeks long with the following levels: alpha, beta, and gamma.  The set comes with 16 different modules, and each workout is only 25 minutes long.  However, he doubles up on you on Fridays so you have one 50 min. sesh each week.

I'm "modeling" my current fave workout garb courtesy of Public Myth today on SS.  I'm seriously obsessed with their activewear - think Lulu Lemon except hotter.  When I first saw the mesh detailing, I immediately thought, "shit, I hope this is comfortable."  I lucked out because it totally was.  Who would've thought right?
BTW, I obviously didn't work out before taking these.  I wore my hair down and did my make-up because I wanted to look purdy for you all, ha! Shooting activewear's really tough, especially when your body still has a long way to go!  If this was a post-gym shot, my hair would be in a messy pony, and I'd be dripping with sweat.  Hey, you gotta sweat like a pig if you wanna look like a fox *rawr*

Let's take a closer look at my pants!  The mesh paneling is on point.  Oh, and before I forget, these pants are available HERE, and my sports bra is available HERE for those of you interested.  FYI: they offer free shipping on orders $200+.
Baring my midriff for you guys.  I took a shot for you all so you could see my bra clearly.  I always wear an oversized tank on top because I'm self conscious of my tummy & back when I'm working out!  It's my goal to eliminate jiggle and eventually exercise sans tank.  I definitely still have a long way to go, and I'm ok with that! I'm doing the best that I can, and that's what matters.  Remember, it's about progress, not perfection!

I was in the best shape of my life when I was in NYC (2009-2011).  I ate so clean - and I mean I ate clean, I didn't do any of that starvation bullshit - and worked out at least 1.5 hours a day!  I was 103 lbs of lean muscle, and I remember thinking, "damn, if I could get rid of my back and arm fat, I'd be so happy."  Now I'm 120 lbs, and I just want to get back to where I was, ha!  Funny how that all works.  I don't really care about my weight though.  I just want to be healthy - eff the scale!  I want to run with ease and crank push-ups out like a boss.  I'll get there, slowly but surely!  
On top of my t25 workouts, I've been supplementing with cardio 3x a week.  I'll either run for 20 minutes on the treadmill or do jump rope for 15.  I don't know about you guys, but I think running's a lot easier in comparison.  There are a ton of different workouts available on pinterest if you're interested!  I simply set a timer and go.  I use a TKO rope because it has a soft rubber coated grip.  It's 9 feet long and is made of solid vinyl.  It's currently on sale HERE at Macy's for $14.99 (originally $30).  They also sell exercise mats, push up bars, ab wheels, and more.
While I'm at it, let me share my current workout list with you guys!  Here's what I'm currently jammin' to on my pod-pod - lots of Yellow Claw this month!  I can't believe I just discovered them. Their music is absolutely SICK!  I've listened to "Shotgun" at least 5 times already today, ha.  Oh, AND they're following me on twitter *swoons*  I'm super active on there so make sure you guys come find me - clicky HERE to tweet me!


Pump Me Up Playlist

It's time for my July Workout Playlist!  I hope you guys enjoy my tunes.  I've been doing T25 on the reg, but I've been supplementing with runs.  I need to start doing intervals STAT - HIIT always burns the most calories. Anywho, what are you guys listening to lately? Are any of y'all doing new programs? How do you guys stay in shape?


Sponsor Spotlight: RBX

Super excited to feature RBX Active and review their digital camo leggings today on Sensible Stylista.  Here's some background info for you guys in case you're interested.  They debuted on the activewear scene three years ago and have grown steadily due to superior quality up to the minute styling and accessible pricing.  They deliver the best fitness apparel ensuring today's busy women can find an exciting look that transitions from the gym to the street.  The collection of tops, bottoms and jackets are easy to mix and match to reflect an individuals style as they travel from activity to activity.

I own the digital camo legging in gray, but it's available in three other fabulous abstract patterns.  Each option can be styled with other RBX Active products and will also match up well with existing wardrobe looks.  Sizes range from S-XL.  The piece wicks which is important for working out since that means that the fabric pulls moisture away from the skin to keep the body dry.  It has four-way, providing all over stretch over flex, maintaining its shape.  Flat lock seams deliver smooth lines and prevents chafing.  It's fade resistant so that vibrant colors stay bright, wash after wash!
Clicky HERE to cop a pair for yourself!  They're JUST as good as Lulu Lemon, and they only cost $39.99.  Subscribe to their mailing list to get an extra 15% off.

June Workout Playlist: EDM

Sorry guys, I know I haven't been very consistent with these playlists, but I promise to crank them out from here on out!  I didn't realize I could embed these Spotify widgets - they're aesthetically pleasing, AND y'all can listen to my picks.  Anywho, I'm currently SUPER out of shape so I've been listening to lots of EDM, not that I need an excuse to since I absolutely love the genre.  I know I'm a classical pianist, but hey, it pumps me up and keeps me going!  I'm tellin' ya, I can barely run three miles at the moment *hangs head in shame*  Whatevs, I'm striving for progress not perfection.  I need to find someone in the DMV area that's lookin' to train for a half marathon! 

Currently playing on my pod-pod...

How are you guys staying in shape - running, DVDs, martial arts? Comment below with your fave form of exercise!

The Ultimate EDM Playlist

Oh how I love EDM.  I've been especially obsessed lately because I just finished studying for a ridonkulously hard classical piano literature exam (for my doctoral degree) - I was listenin' NONSTOP to prepare for it.  As a reward for PASSING (!!!!), I subscribed to Sirius XM.  I normally wouldn't buy somethin' like that, but I wanted to treat myself.  They also offered me a sweet deal - $20 for 6 months.  I can manage that!

As a result, I've been blasting BPM and Electric Area in the car.  Definitely pumps me up after a long day at work!  I thought I'd share some of my new favorite tracks with you guys in case you were looking for new tunes to sweat to.  Personally, I love working out to EDM! I get bursts of energy every time the beat drops.

1.  Helicopter (original mix) - Martin Garrix & Firebeatz ($:38)
2.  Karate - R3HAB & KSHMR (4:05)
3.  Big Bang - Borgeous & David Solano (2:49)
4.  Tremor - Dimitri Vegas, Martin Garrix, & Like Mike (3:19)
5.  Intoxicated - Martin Solveig & GTA (3:15)
6.  Where Are U Now - Skrillex & Diplo ft. Justin Bieber (4:14)
7.  TSUNAMI - DVBBS & Borgeous (3:57)
8.  Melody - Oliver Heldens (3:19)
9.  Turn Up The Speakers - Afrojack & Martin Garrix (3:10)

Comment below with some of YOUR fave EDM tracks! I'm always looking for new tracks to check out.

Get in Shape with Albion Fit: Review + International Giveaway

Alright guys, it's time for another INTERNATIONAL giveaway!  I'm stoked to partner up with Albion Fit again.  Three very lucky winners will score $50 gift cards to buy whatever their hearts desire!  Enter via rafflecopter below...

Anywho, here are a few of my personal AF faves:

Albion also sent me a top + bottom to review: Love Racer Tanko & Black Diamond Pant.  Both pieces are super cute and comfy!  The tank has a built-in sports bra with removable cups.  The ruching detail on the side is a nice feminine touch.  Also available in tangerine, silver, neon pink, and sea foam.  If you're a fan of faux-leather, you'll love their "Black Diamond" bottoms.  They're straight up FIERCE!  I like that you can dress these babies up.

Planking and crunchin' like a boss, haha!  I still have a long way to go (fitness wise), but it'll come - slowly but surely!  What kind of stuffs do you guys do to stay in shape?  Personally, I'm a big fan of exercise DVDs.  Insanity kicks my butt every time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

January Workout Playlist

 YAY!  It's time for another workout playlist.  Here's what's currently playin' on my pod-pod...

1.  The Spark - Afrojack ft. Spree Wilson
2.  Overdose - Ciara
3.  Chronicles of a Fallen Love - The Bloody Beetroots
4.  Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars
5.  Boy Oh Boy - Diplo & GTA
6.  Call Me A Spaceman - Radio Edit - Hardwell, Mitch Crown
7.  Big Fat Bass - Britney Spears,
8.  My World - Iggy Azalea
9.  Stuntin' Like My Daddy - Birdman, Lil' Wayne
10.  Bad - David Guetta
11.  I'm an Albatraoz - AronChupa
12.  Machuka - Lil' Jon


Staying Healthy with Latreal Mitchell

I don't know you guys have hear of Latreal Mitchell, but she's kind of a big deal - she's Michael Strahan's personal trainer.  She's also working with Meta.  Anwyho, for today's post, I'll be sharing some of her health tips/tricks to revamp your diet since it's the new year and all.  Let's start with a few food swaps she recommends:

1.  Meta Health Bars instead of cookies or candy bars
2.  Almonds and light popcorn instead of chips
3.  Green apples or pears instead of fruit snacks or candy
4.  Whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter instead of peanut butter cups
5.  Steel cut oats instead of sugary cereal
6.  Dark chocolate instead of milk, white, etc.
7.  Water instead of soda - keep a big bottle at your desk!  Add Metamucil powder to stay hydrated and get multi-health benefits from the extra fiber boost.  

Also, La was generous enough to share one of her SUPER short 10-minute workouts!  I know we're all busy and whatnot, but who doesn't have 10 minutes to spare, especially when it'll enrich the quality of your life!  

What are some of your fave fitness tips?  How do you guys stay healthy and active?

November Workout Playlist

It's been FOREVER since I last did a fitness update.  To be honest, I haven't been very good about staying in shape.  Life has been crazy *shakes head* I gots to get it together!  Here's to workin' out again and being a BAMF. Let's do it, let's GO!

1.  Add Me In - Chris Brown (3:13)
2.  Right Now - Rihanna ft. David Guetta (3:02)
3.  Five Hours - Deorro (5:27)
4.  I Don't F*** With You - Big Sean ft. E-40 (4:45)
5.  Dangerous - David Guetta ft. Sam Martin (3:24
6.  Work - Iggy Azalea (3:43)
7.  Burnin - Calvin Harris ft. R3hab (3:55)
8.  Clarity - Tiest Remix - Zedd ft. Foxes (5:54)
9.  No Beef - Afrojack, Steve Aoki ft. Miss Palmer (4:53)
10.  Animals - Maroon 5 (3:51)

What's currently playing on your pod-pod?

Albion Fit Athletic Apparel + April Playlist

Featuring garb from Albion Fit for today's fitness update.  LOVE my new shorts and top - super comfy and cute! I guess it is possible to look cute while breakin' a sweat... that is, before I start sweating like a pig, hardy har har.  Anywho, make sure to check them out!  They have tons of cool stuff.
OH, and if you need new headphones, hit up Happy Plugs STAT!  They have earbuds in a bajillion different colors in addition to cute phone/iPad/laptop accessories.
Sports bra:  Athletic Essentials via TJ Maxx - old
 Headphones: c/o Happy Plugs ($29.99)
Top ($28) + Shorts ($38):  c/o Albion Fit
Shoes:  Adidas via Marshalls - old

And of course, here's my April playlist if you're lookin' for new tunes to rock out to...

1.  Fancy - Iggy Azalea & Charli XCX (3:20)
2.  Let's Get Married - ReMarquble Remix - Jagged Edge & RUN (4:08)
3.  Everyday Birthday - Swizz Beatz, Chris Brown, Ludacris (3:31)
4.  Feelin' Myself - (4:14)
5.  I Don't Like You - Eva Simons (4:12)
6.  Ain't It Fun - Paramore (4:57)
7.  Thunder - Rusko, Bonnie McKee (3:50)
8.  Paranoid - Ty Dolla $ign & B.o.B (3:37)
9.  Sticky Dough - Wanessa (3:33)