Sensible Stylista

Cute Alleyways in Georgetown

Soooo, funny (but not so funny) story about this outfit.  Sung and I finished shooting it fairly quickly, and I was super happy because the photos looked bomb, BUT while we were walking back to his car, I tripped and completely ripped the skirt to shreds.  It was SO sad! My right heel tore the entire bottom off. You guys have no idea how bummed I was.  It was one of my absolute favorites so I was nearly in tears, BUT luckily ASOS still had my size in stock - and they were on sale for $20ish - so I just bought another one.  I totally lucked out!
Anywho, today's featured OOTD was actually something I wore to a cool event in DC.  Diet Coke threw an awesome party at Longview Gallery a few weeks back, and this was my outfit of the night. I've been going to way more events as of late!  I've been having a blast making new friends and exploring more of the DMV.  I'm actually thinking about covering more events on SS.  Is that something you guys would be interested in? Make sure y'all leave me a comment below with your thoughts.
Since this kickass skirt is only available in size 4 on ASOS, I wanted to link you guys to other fabulous styles they carry!  Here are a bunch I've been lusting for:

Also, for those of you interested, I featured this skirt HERE a while back.  Click to see how I first wore it on Sensible Stylista.  If you want to see more of my remixed looks, click here.  I have an entire section dedicated to 'em in my gallery section.
Skirt:  ASOS ($22) || Bag:  YSL (look for less) || Jacket:  Ann Taylor Factory Outlet (similar) || Top: BCBG (another cute crop) || Necklace:  JWholesale || Shoes:  Aldo (similar-ish)
Photos by the amazing Sung Shin!

Sensible Stylista x Amazfit: Be Your #BestSelf

I'm beyond pumped to partner up with Amazfit on SS because, as you guys know, I'm ALL about healthy living. Today's post is all about me being my #BestSelf!  Amazfit recently launched this inspiring campaign on instagram - they'll be covering different topics of Wellness each week so make sure y'all follow along.  For those of you wondering, the topics are as follows:  Move Your Best, Eat Your Best, Work Your Best, Feel Your Best, Sleep Your Best, and Be Your Best.  I'll be filling you guys in on how I stay on top of my game all day, err day.
1.  Move Your Best:  I don't even know where to start with this prompt because I'm so damn passionate about it. Exercise does the body, mind, AND soul so good - I literally hit the gym anytime I feel even the slightest bit of stress coming on.  I'm an extremely anxious person by nature so fitness & meditation play a huge role in my life.  I stay in shape by smashing T25 on the daily and doing Tae Kwon Do + cardio (either running or ellipticalling) several times a week.
 2.  Eat Your Best:  Eating healthily is an absolute must if you want to look AND feel good.  People say you build your abs in the kitchen for a reason, you know!  I know it's tough to muster up the motivation to cook when you're tired from work, school or [insert whatever it is that stresses you out], but there ARE easy meals you can throw together that'll both taste delish and nourish your body.  

I, personally, meal prep on Sundays so I have food ready to go when I'm in a rush. I like to pre-cut veggies (for omelettes) and cook up a giant vat of pasta sauce for quick lunches and dinners.  I also sometimes make spicy korean-style chicken and enjoy it with a side of brown rice + quinoa.  For snacks, I make yummy smoothies on the daily - simply blend your fave fruit with greek yogurt and milk. If you want to sweeten your drink up, simply add a smidgen of honey.
3.  Work Your Best:  I'm an incredibly ambitious and driven woman so working hard is a given; however, not only should one work hard, one should strive to work SMART.  I'm a huge fan of making lists because they help me stay on track, which ups my efficiency tenfold.  

In fact, the first thing I do in the morning is write a giant to-do list.   I write down everything I need to accomplish by the end of the day (big and small) and number my tasks in order of importance.  Then, I assign them to appropriate time frames.  I tackle the harder tasks in the early morn or early-late evening because my mind's most focused then.  I usually fade around 2-3 PM so I avoid doing anything that requires a substantial amount of brain power because like I said, it's all about focus. If you don't have a clear had, it's going to take you 3x as long to complete something.  Why waste your time?
4.  Feel Your Best:  In this day and age, it's far too easy to get caught up in the stresses of life.  Do yourself a solid, and take a breather.  Watch your favorite TV show, get a massage, or go shopping with your friends!  I mean, I hate to use this motto, BUT you only live once.  Plus, the break will help you refocus so you rationalize it that way, ha.

I like to spend quality time with my loved ones (friends, family, and of course, my precious furbaby). Daisy, my 5 year old maltese pup, is seriously the love of my life!  I could seriously spend hours playing with her.  Her sweet eyes just melt my stress away!
 5.  Sleep Your Best:  As a blogger, I'm pretty much glued to my phone and computer, but I make a point to put it all away at least 30 minutes before bedtime so I can squeeze in some good ol' fashioned reading.  I've always been a bit of an insomniac, but I've found that turning off my electronic devices pretty much solved that issue.  I also make sure to remove all my makeup, apply night cream, and lotion my bod.  What can I say? I'm a stickler when it comes to my beauty regimen.  
6.  Be Your Best: When all that's said and done, a cute outfit helps me put my best foot forward.  As a musician and personal style blogger, I'm all about expressing myself.  Like Rachel Zoe eloquently said, "style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."  Nothing makes me feel sexier than a fabulous LBD, especially when I want to show off my bod.  Isn't it a great feeling to reap your rewards? I mean, what can I say? All that clean eating + exercising definitely pays off! 

Are you guys striving to be your #BestSelf?  If yes, how so!  Oh, and for those of you wondering, in each and EVERY one of the photos above, I was wearing the Amazfit Moonbeam.  It's the lightest and most comfortable activity tracker on the market.  It tracks your step count, active calories burned, distance traveled as well as your overall sleep quality (light sleep, deep sleep, awake times).  

The ceramic core tracker is water resistant up to 3 feet for 30 minutes, and it can be worn in the shower, while swimming (casually), doing dishes, and the like.  A single charge lasts for about 10 days. There are 8 accessories available, 6 different wristband options and 2 necklaces.  Let me know if you have any questions!  OH, and I'm currently hosting an awesome giveaway with them on here so enter STAT!  10 lucky winners will score activity trackers worth $80 EACH.

Stand Inside Your Love

Man, it's REALLY freaking cold outside!  PGH winters are straight up brutal so my mom and I are totally hibernating inside our warm and cozy home.  We got a little bored though so we decided to do an impromptu shoot indoors.  I centered today's post around three new fabulous closet additions:  my trollbeads bangle (with all new charms), my slouchy beige knit, and huge platform pumps (both from AMICLUBWEAR).
I wore my sweater dress as an off-the-shoulder piece.  This particular item has thigh-high slits so if you're looking to wear this baby out, you're definitely going to want to wear leggings or pants underneath.  It's really a fabulous color though!  It goes with everything and oozes sophistication.
Other fabulous sweater dresses under $50: 
A closer look at my Trollbeads bangle.  Their Winter Wonder collection is seriously goals.  If you're looking for a fabulous last minute holiday gift, head on over to their store STAT!  They seriously carry something for everyone, and pretty jewelry's usually a pretty good bet for ladies of all ages.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! I'd be happy to lend you my expertise.
Shoes:  AMICLUBWEAR || Dress:  AMICLUBWEAR || Bangle:  Trollbeads