Sensible Stylista

A US Giveaway with Sandy Lisa Bags: Win a bag of YOUR choice!

Partnering up with Sandy Lisa Bags again on Sensible Stylista for a fabulous giveaway - I don't know if you guys remember, but I collaborated with them on an outfit post a while back. If you missed it, no worries, simply click here! Now, for today's post, the owner of SLB has generously offered to give one very lucky winner a stylish bag of their choice (!!!!)  As always, entering is super easy!  All you have to do is give her a follow on instagram via rafflecopter below.  There are also several bonus entries available to up your chances of winning.  Good luck guys! This giveaway ends on August 15th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where to Buy Cute and Affordable Backpacks

Soooo, I'm guessing y'all probably already know that I'm not a huge fan of backpacks because I don't wear 'em that often on Sensible Stylista.  Well, much has changed!  After discovering Emma & Chloe, I'm now pretty much obsessed, at least with the design I own.
This studded backpack is perfect for school - it accommodates my laptop, books, and other essentials. I really like that there's a separate compartment for my computer because I'm super paranoid it'll get damaged somehow! Store pencils, chargers, and other small items in the front pocket for easy access. 
For those of you interested, this baby's available in both black and brown here for $49.99!  Made with Saffiano faux-leather, this bag features shiny gold accents that add the perfect amount of edge to any casual everyday ensemble.  It also has a padded back + straps to provide serious comfort!  If you guys have any questions about the item, please don't hesitate to reach out.  Leave me a comment, tweet me, whatever.  You guys know how to reach me!  
Tank:  ASOS ($15.50) || Skirt:  Banana Republic Factory Outlet (similar) || Bag:  c/o Emma & Chloe || Boots:  Nine West 

Are These Popular Exercise DVDs Worth the Hype?

It's time for another fitness post, y'all!  For today's blast, I'll be reviewing the pros and cons of 4 popular workout DVDs on SS. I don't know about you guys, but I really enjoy working out at home. I try new programs and apps all the time because I'm constantly looking for ways to stay engaged. This is the first of many posts to come to keep your eyes peeled to stay in the know!  Now, without further ado, let's get to it!  First off is...
1.  Insanity - I'm a HUGE fan of this 60-day program.  Created by the one and only Shaun T, this DVD set will seriously kick your butt!  It consists of 9 max interval -  think HIIT (high intensity interval training) on crack - modules, an exercise calendar + a diet plan.

- Shaun T's super likable.  He keeps you motivated, while sweating up a storm WITH you.
- You'll seriously transform your body by the end of the program - you actually start seeing results as early as week 2.  At the end of it all, you'll have decreased body fat + serious muscle definition, BUT it doesn't come easy.
- Insanity helps you increase both endurance + fitness levels.
- It saves you mad time! It's only 45 minutes long so you're being efficient as hell with your workout. It's like the equivalent of 5-6 hours at the gym!
- It requires zero equipment so you can do this on the go - just make sure you have ample space.

- You have to be somewhat in shape to participate.  Know your fitness fundamentals (push-ups, situps, etc.), and make sure you can at least jog a mile.
- If you have weak joints or knees, this may not be the right program for you!  Double check with your MD to prevent injury.
- Insanity's, well, insane.  The sheer difficulty of it all is a total pro for me, but it's totally ok if you find it all too intense!  Try a sesh out with a friend first before purchasing it.

CONCLUSION:  If you're looking to get your @$$ in shape, cop this stat by clicking here.  Yes, you're going to hurt, and yes, you're going to sweat like pig, but it'll all be worth it in the end if you stick with it.  Insanity's NOT for the weak-willed so if you don't have the self-discipline to keep going, try a less expensive series so you don't waste moolah.  This program's all about cardio so if you're hardcore, you may need to supplement with weights on the side. 
2.  Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 - I bought this DVD after watching The Biggest Loser on Netflix because I found the show super inspiring, and I loved watching Jillian in action - she was definitely my fave trainer on there!  As I'm sure y'all know, she's released several DVDs since then, but I've only tried this and her 30 Day Shred.  I won't be reviewing the latter today, but if you want me to, simply leave me a comment below.

Her program's geared towards intermediate exercisers, and it consists of four workouts that get progressively more difficult each week.  You're supposed to do 'em 5-6 times a week, ideally taking 1-2 days off for rest.  Her DVD's all about the 3-2-1 - 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute ab work.  Each module has a warm-up + cool-down and lasts for 35 minutes.  Circuits are repeated twice (30 seconds for each exercise), and you'll need hand weights and a yoga mat for your sesh.

- These workouts are short so you have no excuse whatsoever NOT to squeeze in exercise.
- Her sessions are actually quite effective!  They're not as intense as T25 or Insanity, but they still get the job done.
- This DVD's totally affordable.  It's available online at Amazon for $9.99 HERE!  A total bargain for a 4-week program + diet plan.
- Jillian provides modifications for most of her exercises so you can work up to the more "advanced" moves.

- Some find Jillian's in-your-face attitude a bit much.  I personally like her macho-ness, but you may not.
- This isn't really a con, but the DVD seems to be geared more towards women because it's all about toning.  If you're looking to workout with a guy, he may not enjoy it as much as you do - just speaking from personal experience, ha.

CONCLUSION:  Perfect for those of you looking for an intermediate full-body workout!  You'll get your sweat on and have fun at the same time - think of it as an at-home bootcamp with Jillian Michaels.  Personally, I enjoy doing her workouts in the early morn + supplementing with harder ones in the afternoon/evening (when I have the time).
3.  Fluidity - Created by Michelle Austin, Fluidity will help you get a lean, dancer-like bod.  The program consists of 3 dvds + a bar.  If you have issues with joint pain, you'll most likely love this set because it's super low impact.  

- The exercises are actually quite easy - I breezed through the beginner & intermediate videos - but they work your muscles.  I know this because I felt pretty sore afterwards!  
- It appeals to women of all ages!  
- The bar stores easily - simply fold it up and "hide" it wherever you please.

- You need to memorize the moves because it's difficult to watch Michelle & work the bar at the same time.
- It's pricey!  
- The bar's a bit wobbly so you should place it on a non-slip yoga mat or something of the like.

CONCLUSION:  Ideal for those of you who don't like doing cardio and prefer low-impact exercises. You'll feel super relaxed afterwards because Michelle oozes calm!  Click here to purchase this set...
4.  T25 - Yet another gem from Shaun T! I absolutely LOVE this series, perhaps even more than Insanity.  T25 gets the job done, but Insanity's more effective from my personal experience.  Like the aforementioned exercise program, T25 has a strict calendar.  Each sesh lasts, you guessed it, 25 minutes, and you'll sweat up a storm every time!  This ten-week program is broken down into two parts lasting 5 weeks each.

- T25's super efficient since it's only 25 minutes long - doesn't include the 2-3 minute cool down at the end.
- Includes 11 nonstop workouts.
- There are modifications for most moves!  Just keep your eye on Tania.
- The five-day exercise schedule.  Shaun T recommends doing two modules on Fridays, but if you'd rather do the second one on Saturday, that works too.  There's also an optional "stretch" sesh for Sundays!
- There's a money back guarantee!  You can request a refund within 30 days if you're displeased, but I highly doubt you'll want to return it.

- Like Insanity, this series is intense!  If you're a beginner, you're probably going to want to start with something a little less strenuous.
- Although there are modifications, the moves are still pretty difficult.
- You'll need some equipment!  Luckily, none of it is very expensive.  You can get a pair of hand weights + a yoga mat on the cheap at TJ Maxx or Marshalls.
- No breaks so you're gonna have to go hard for 25 minutes!

CONCLUSION:  Perfect for busy individuals who are looking to save time + get/stay in shape.  T25 also works as a nice intro to Insanity...and by "nice," I mean hard-as-hell-but-less-cray-than-insanity.

So that's it for today everyone!  Have any of y'all tried these DVDs? Are their any workouts you'd like me to try + review? How are you guys currently staying in shape?